Friday, November 19, 2010

SCIENCE: New "Yoda" Bat discovered in biodiversity expedition in Papua New Guinea

As a bio major and Star Wars aficionado, the story is a dream come true.  This story came out a little over a month ago but I think it's recent enough to highlight...and gawk at.  For two months in 2009 a group of scientist from Conservation International and A Rocha International went on a biodiversity hunt in order to attain UN World Heritage status for a remote part of Papua New Guinea.  On the expedition, scientists described 3 new species of mammals, 24 frogs, a bunch of spiders, and almost 100 insects. 

The highlight of this expedition was no doubt the discovery of the nyctimene tube-nosed fruit bat. Check him (or her) out!!!!!!!!  This bat has been affectionately nicknamed the "Yoda" bat, due to the starking resemblance to the Jedi Master, the god of all gods.

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