Thursday, December 16, 2010

Landon Donovan Winter Destination: Fulham? Everton? Newcastle? SoCal?

Lando's so hot right now.
US soccer's poster boy Landon Donovan is once again a hot loan prospect for teams in Europe.  However, this year Lando's world looks a little different than it has in the past.  He is wrapping up an amazing year in which he finally succeeded in Europe, scored a last second winner in the World Cup, and helped the Galaxy win the Supporter's Shield in MLS.  After the MLS season ended speculation on Donovan's future quickly arose.  He responded only that he would be resting for a few months before he made a decision on whether or not he would like to go on loan.  Recent developments seem to have made his decision more difficult. Hit the jump for more...
 Not only does Everton seem interested but reports out of Newcastle and Fulham are that they would also like to sign Donovan to a loan deal.  While Landon has already come out and said that he would only play for Everton in the EPL the options are still out there and they could change his mind with a handsome deal.  There is always the possibility that he won't go anywhere as well.  He has been playing soccer for almost two straight years now and could probably use the time off.  So where should he go?  He should probably return to Everton where he is loved.  He would be comfortable there knowing most of the players from last season and would have a relatively strong supporting cast even though Everton is struggling a bit.  He could be equally successful and solidify himself as a world class player.  The bottom line is he should try and suck it up and keep playing this offseason.  He will only be able to play at such a high level for a short period of time.  He relies on his speed and at 28 years old that won't be with him forever.  He shouldn't go to Newcastle unless they offer a ridiculous salary because, of the three, Newcastle is the least friendly destination for Landon, also Newcastle isn't having trouble scoring goals like the other two.  He could possibly have trouble finding playing time depending on where they want to play him.  In my opinion if he really wants to prove something and solidify himself as the greatest US player of all time then he should go to Fulham and rescue them.  Fulham currently has Americans Clint Dempsey and Eddie Johnson so he should have a stable base at Craven Cottage if he decides to go there.  Fulham desperately needs offensive inspiration while they recover from various injuries and he could give them exactly that.  Can't you see Lando and Deuce hooking up for the Cottagers?  Adding relegation escape artist to his list of accolades might be a nice addition to his career.  Plus, doesn't it seem fitting for Fulham to have an American come in and preserve their top flight status?  Both Mcbride and Dempsey have done it.  Go join the club Landon.  So what will he actually do?  Its really hard to say.  There seems to be as much of a possibility of him staying in the states as there is him going on loan.  If I had to guess he will go on loan again.  The allure of the EPL will prove to much and after a few months of recovery he will be yearning to be back at Goodison Park.  He will join Everton and have a slightly less successful but still positive loan spell with the toffees.  You heard it here first.

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