Friday, August 7, 2009

ESPN reveals partial roster on sportscenter?

Sportscenter has just revealed a partial roster for the upcoming match against Mexico. The regulars are present as the US tries to secure its first victory at Azteca Stadium.
Goalkeepers: Brad Guzan, Tim Howard
Defenders: Carlos Bocanegra, Jonathan Spector, Oguchi Onyewu, Jay Demerit, Chad Marshall, Jonathan Bornstein

Oddly that was all that Sportscenter had. Do you like the choices so far? Is anyone left out that you were hoping to see?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Altidore to Hull City

Jozy Altidore is heading to Hull City on a year long loan deal from Villareal. The 19 year-old striker will ply his trade against the best in the Premier league as he prepares for the upcoming World Cup. This loan is pending on a hearing for his work permit that is scheduled for monday. Is this a good move for Jozy? How many goals will Jozy have at the end of the year? Leave your comments below

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beckham works to win back fans against Barcelona

Tonight at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena over 93,000 spectators came out to see the Los Angeles Galaxy take on the European champions, Barcelona. Stars such as Messi, Puyol, Henry, and Marquez took the field against Beckham, Donovan and the rest of the Galaxy. The Galaxy were overmatched by Barcelona's sharp passing but were not at all embarrassed in this friendly. David Beckham did his best to win back the support of the riot squad by firing in a classic Beckham free kick. As Beckham left the field in the second half after being substituted was greeted by a rousing ovation. Perhaps the Beckham Experiment is taking a positive turn. If the Galaxy can make a splash in the playoffs this season many naysayers may be quieted. Beckhams free kick tied the game at 1 but Barcelona scored in the second half to secure the victory. The Galaxy did not stay on their heels and made the game very exciting by counterattacking with a vengeance. However they could not find an equalizer as the game ended 2 to 1.